Dober Digital Lab News

Launch Of Chematic L Fulfills A Key Initiative For Dober and Evonik

Written by Dober | May 30, 2017 12:40:56 PM

May 12, 2016 -- Today our Dober team is in Darmstadt, Germany, to officially launch our new product Chematic L formulated detergent, for our partner Evonik. This week is the official launch of our new Chematic L detergent at Evonik's GI Targeting workshop. This particular workshop, is Evonik's premier event for the year, as it focuses around their #1 selling polymer, Eudragit L. Evonik has targeted the launch of Chematic L as one of their main initiatives in 2016, with multiple marketing pushes slated for the remainder of 2016. During last nights dinner at the workshop, Dr. Uwe-Martin Wiesler (Head of Global Oral Excipients Business) of Evonik, gave a toast to not only our new product Chematic L, but also Dober as one of their key strategic partners.